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Customer Service Assistance Required
We apologize, but we weren’t able to verify the information you provided. We would like to help correct this as soon as possible.
You will receive a call from one of our customer service representatives in the next 24 hours. If you’d like to resolve the issue now,
please email cservice2@drf.com and one of our agents will assist you immediately.

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wagering with DRF Bets. Fund your account and start betting now!
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Customer Service Assistance Required
We apologize, but we weren’t able to verify the information you provided. We would like to help correct this as soon as possible.
Please call 1-877-408-1999 and one of our agents will assist you immediately.
Our records indicate that you might have an account with our partner Xpressbet.
Please reach out to Customer Service at 1-877-408-1999 and we will be able to transfer you to DRF Bets.

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While DRF Bets is not available in your area, you can enjoy the many other benefits of DRF membership by clicking the link below.
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